Hi there! I’m mom to three wonderful children ages 6,4, and 2. While I’m not playing with my kids, cooking, cleaning, or trying to catch up on sleep :), I am working on ways to make more money for my family. I started this blog so I can share my journey with you. I would love to help you figure out how you can make more money whether you are looking to leave your job or are a stay-at-home-mom.
My Story
I had a very comfortable six figure job as a corporate online marketer, but felt like there was more to life than a paycheck. In my corporate life, I was chained to my office and desk from 8:00 am -5:00 pm during the day, and then from 8:00 pm -12:00 am catching up on email at night. While I loved the work I was doing, I knew there had to be a better way.
After quitting my job, I started 3 businesses right out of the gate. I have an ecommerce store, do affiliate marketing, and run an Amazon FBA business. While I do have an undergraduate degree and a MBA, nothing has prepared me for life as a small business owner.
Why Am I Writing this Blog?
I’m writing this blog for 2 reasons. First, I have a crazy attachment to money and want to see people succeed in their lives and businesses. I hope this blog helps you find your way and exposes you to some new tools and information you were not aware of before. Second, I want to document all of the wins, losses, and intricacies of running a business. As I start new websites and businesses, I’m using my blog as a “notebook” I can go back and refer to. I spend a lot of time following top internet marketing gurus who earn a living online and can share what I’ve learned with you.
I do want to state that I am not a marketing guru, all that I share will be based on my experiences and knowledge that I come in contact with. I am not here to sell you “stuff” – I really want to help you succeed so you can live a more comfortable, stress-free life!
I hope to see you back on the blog!